500 spots for Private Beta 2 are coming up. If you haven't secured your spot yet, this is your chance.

14 Oct 2022, 16:40
500 spots for Private Beta 2 are coming up! If you haven’t secured your spot yet, this is your chance. To participate, solve the simple puzzle🧩 below by filing in the blank: 👇🧩 The colourful reef of the Halcyon sea is a stunning sight, with crystal clear pools and vibrant growths of aquatic organisms. Coral reefs of every size fill this region, giving the area a magical splendour. Peculiar structures loom above and sprout from down below. Splashing around them is the friendliest creature around: the Atlas. Atlas' Omega Ability is called ____ barrier. Once you’ve found the answer, submit it using this link: Important: You must first register for PB2 here: Make sure you use the same email for completing the puzzle on the link above.